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Cowford in the News

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Empire Point & Historic Marabanong - Times Union July 29, 2018

Cowford Archaeology continues to investigate significant sites in the Jacksonville area. Our latest project in the Empire Point area centers on the mysterious tunnel connecting a pre-Civil War wine cellar to the lost location of the original Perley Place. Marabanong was built near that original location shortly after Perley Place was burned to the ground in the 1870s. This is an ongoing investigation as of August 2018. Read a little about it in the following article.

Empire Point and Historic Marabanong


Ft. Hatch Historical Marker Dedication - Times Union February 18, 2018

Almost five years in the making, Cowford Archaeology, in conjunction with the Jacksonville Historical Society, proudly dedicated a historical marker at the site of Ft. Hatch on February 15, 2018. The marker is the culmination of our work at the site to date. It is, however, not the final word. The rich deposit of Civil War artifacts found beneath the modern soil deserves more attention. The final report of the excavation can be read here and the official state record may be seen here. More was written about the project in the following article.


Ft. Hatch Marker Dedication


Camp Finegan Testing -Times Union December 3, 2014

During the Summer and Fall of 2014, Cowford Archaeology volunteers conducted a test excavation at the reported location of  a Confederate cavalry camp. The final report of the excavation can be read here.


Ft. St. George - November 17, 2013


In October 2013, Cowford Archaeologists recorded the possible location of Ft. St. George. The fort was the southernmost outpost of the British controlled part of the Americas. It was used to stage for the attack on Castillo San Marcos in 1740. Our project was chronicled by Action News 47 and the Times Union. Links to both may be found here

Ft. Hatch Testing - Times Union November 10, 2014

Between the Summer 2013 and Spring of 2014, Cowford volunteers dug over 50 test pits in the La Villa area of Jacksonville near the historic location of Ft. Hatch. We found enough Civil War related to confirm we found a component of the fort. In addition to the war related material, many artifacts were recovered from Jacksonville's more recent past.  It all adds up to painting a more colorful picture of our city's history. The final report of the excavation can be read here. More was written about the project in the following article.


Dig For a Civil War Fort


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