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Cowford Archaeological Research Society
Camp Finegan Testing

Alex, Fred, Dean, George 5-3-14

Young Working Hard-5-3-14

Susan, Michelle, Young-5-3-14

Alex, Fred, Dean, George 5-3-14
May 2014 through April 2016
Camp Finegan was a Confederate Civil War camp located about 8 miles west of present day Jacksonville. Encompassing several hundred acres, it was a "Camp of Instruction" and was used as the troop staging area for the Battle of Olustee, which took place on February 20, 1864. It was overrun by Union troops on their way to Olustee and was renamed Camp Shaw during their brief occupation.
Beginning in May 2014, CARS spend many warm weekends testing the area known to be the cavalry encampment within the larger site. The lot was thoroughly examined through the excavation of some 50 test pits and additional non-destructive testing. Fieldwork was completed in April 2016. The final report may be read & is available for download here.
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